Not Noticing Some of the MotivAider's Vibration Signals? Missing some vibration signals?

"I don't always notice when the MotivAider vibrates. What should I do?"

The MotivAider is designed to capture your attention without being disruptive or intrusive. It's therefore perfectly normal to fail to notice some of the MotivAider's vibration signals.

It's important to recognize that you can achieve excellent results without being consciously aware of receiving every single signal that the MotivAider sends. Users often respond favorably to signals without even being aware of them. So, failing to notice signals is only a problem if you're not achieving the desired results.

But what if you're not noticing signals AND you're not getting good results?

Understanding Habituation

First, it's worth understanding that you're not noticing signals because of something called habituation. Habituation is mostly a good thing. In fact, life would be absolutely overwhelming without it. Habituation is the brain’s ability to react less and less to a frequently repeated stimulus. Habituation allows us to move things that don’t require our attention to the back burner in order to make room on the front burner for those things that do require our attention.

Although habituation does us far more good than harm, it can prevent us from paying attention to some frequently repeated stimuli that we ideally should pay attention to. And yes, unfortunately that can include the MotivAider’s vibration signal. So, if you’re not noticing the MotivAider’s vibration signal as much as you once did, the good news is, your brain is working properly! You just need to convince your brain that the MotivAider’s vibration signal, unlike most other frequently repeated stimuli, belongs on the front burner.

Combatting Habituation

To make the MotivAider’s vibration signal as habituation-proof as possible, the first thing to do is use the MotivAider's advanced customization features to maximize the signal's ability to capture your attention. If you're not familiar with how to change your MotivAider's advanced settings, you can get instructions here.

When making any of the following adjustments, it's best to change one thing at a time and see whether the adjustment has the desired effect. If it doesn't, undo that particular adjustment and try something else.

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