Guided Help: Get MotivAided!

So, you've created a personal message and associated it with the MotivAider's vibration signal. You've decided how often to have your MotivAider send you private signals, and you've set the MotivAider accordingly.

Now it's time to get motivaided!

Have your MotivAider start sending you vibration signals (how you do this depends on the particular model you have), and your MotivAider will begin working its magic.

IMPORTANT: The first few times you feel the MotivAider's vibration, make a point of thinking your personal message. After a while, this will become automatic.

Your MotivAider will continue to send you signals until you stop it.

When you're ready to resume using your MotivAider, just have your MotivAider start prompting again. It will have automatically remembered how you set it last.