Gen5 MotivAider User's Guide

The MotivAider Method

  1. Decide on a specific behavioral objective or goal.
  2. Determine what action you must take to achieve that behavioral objective or goal.
  3. Devise a brief personal message— a word, a phrase, a short sentence, even a mental picture—that will get you to take action necessary to achieve your goal. For example, if your goal is to improve your posture, you might try a straightforward personal message like “Straighten up,” or a more motivating personal message like “I’m no slouch!” Learn how to devise effective messages
  4. Mentally associate your personal message with the MotivAider’s vibration signal so that whenever you feel the vibration, you’ll think your message and be urged to take the desired action.
  5. Set the MotivAider to send you vibration signals as often as necessary to keep your mind focused on your chosen behavioral objective or goal.

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