HelpKidsChange Post
How to Present the MotivAider to a Young Child

When you present the MotivAider to a young child, your goal should be to have the child experience the MotivAider as an interesting, friendly invention that will help her achieve something she herself wants to achieve. Make sure you tie the MotivAider to the actual personal benefit the child will get by making the desired change in her behavior.

Susie's teacher presented the MotivAider to Susie as "helping you remember to go to the bathroom so you won't have to worry anymore about having those embarrassing accidents."

Demonstrate enthusiasm for the MotivAider and its ability to help the child, and stimulate the child's interest and engagement by referring to the MotivAider as an invention. (Most kids love inventions!)

In describing the MotivAider's purpose and value, use metaphors and terms that are meaningful and appealing to the child.

When showing the child how the MotivAider works, describe what the MotivAider does in a simple, non-technical, interesting way, and enlist the child's agreement.

Promote a sense of ownership by giving the child an opportunity to make some choices about how she will use the MotivAider.

—Steve Levinson, Ph.D., Inventor of the MotivAider

If you ever have questions or would like some help with a MotivAider project, please, please, please don't hesitate to email or call us at 1-800-356-1506 (+1 218-681-6033). We're eager to help you get great results.

Help Kids Change posts provide guidance for teachers and others using the MotivAider to help kids make constructive chnages in their own behavior, thinking and habits.