MotivAider User Post
How the MotivAider Can Help You Harness the Awesome Power of Focused Attention

New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote, "Control of attention is the ultimate individual power." As a clinical psychologist with over 35 years of experience, I couldn't agree more.

If you're interested in increasing your personal effectiveness, there is nothing that will help you more than becoming the captain of your own attention. That's exactly why I invented the MotivAider—to give people a way to control their own attention.

The Awesome Power of Focused Attention

Experts agree that focused attention is a powerful ingredient in the recipe for personal effectiveness. Human history is filled with the inspiring achievements of people who were able to maintain a laser-sharp focus on their goals.

When we bathe our priorities and intentions in focused attention, we empower them—we allow what matters most to us to drive what we do, think and feel. By the same token, when we fail to keep our attention focused on our priorities and intentions, we deprive ourselves of their positive influence, stray from what matters most, and suffer the consequences.

Controlling Your Attention is Easier Said Than Done

To make full use of your potential to achieve virtually any goal, you must be the master of your own attention. It's not enough to simply put your attention where you want it. You have to be able to keep it there until the job is done.

But just in case you haven't noticed, controlling your own attention is a lot harder than it seems. That's because the human mind is—to put it gently—a little mixed up. Despite its awesome ability to use focused attention as a powerful catalyst to transform goals into achievements, the mind is stuck with some awfully primitive leftover wiring that makes us easily distracted by things that don't really matter.

Although we certainly do our best to use our intelligence and experience to keep our attention focused on what matters most to us, the truth is, our attention generally goes to the highest bidder—not necessarily to the most qualified bidder. As a result, we waste much of the potential that our priorities, intentions and goals have to enrich our lives.

Harnessing the Power

The MotivAider was designed to put you at the controls of your own attention. It allows you to you benefit from the truly impressive power of focused attention.

If you haven't already tried this, you might want to experiment with using your MotivAider to simply keep your mind tuned in to a value, belief or goal that matters a great deal to you. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised to see how much of a difference it makes when you give something that really matters all the focused attention it deserves. Fortunately, with the MotivAider, you can do it automatically.

—Steve Levinson, Ph.D., Inventor of the MotivAider

If you ever have questions or would like some help with a MotivAider project, please, please, please don't hesitate to email or call us at 1-800-356-1506 (+1-218-681-6033). We're always eager to help MotivAider users get great results.

MotivAider Users posts provide guidance on how to use the MotivAider to get the best results.