MotivAider User Post
Some History and Context to Help You Benefit Even More From the MotivAider

You might be surprised by how—and how long ago—the MotivAider got its start. And you might be even more surprised by some of its many uses.

When I invented the MotivAider way back in the early 1980's, I referred to it as an "intention arousing device." I conceived of it as a means to automatically keep a person's attention focused on any chosen intention. I was convinced—and still am—that by simply keeping a chosen good intention at the top of a person's mind, you can dramatically improve a person's ability to behave in accord with that intention.

The MotivAider made its debut in the late 1980's in the healthcare field. Today MotivAiders are still used in healthcare organizations like the Mayo Clinic, but also by businesses, athletes, and by tens of thousands of people of all ages in over 50 countries to make a nearly endless variety of desired changes in behavior and habits.

How can such a simple device be used for so many different purposes? The answer is, the MotivAider addresses a fundamental problem in the design of the human mind that prevents us from consistently doing what we intend to do. Amazingly, the mind actually has no built-in mechanism to keep good intentions on the front burner. So while the mind does a magnificent job of enabling us to figure out what we should do, it often does a lousy job of making sure that we'll actually do it. Because our good intentions so easily get lost in the shuffle, we often don't follow through.

If you'd like to learn more about the broader topic of "following through," you can listen to this 4.5 minute introduction to the audiobook edition of my book, Following Through; learn more about the book itself; or watch videos, listen to interviews and read articles on the topic.

Although you can certainly achieve great results without knowing a thing about the MotivAider's history or the theory behind the device and the behavior change method that makes it work, placing the MotivAider in a broader context may help you do a better job of spotting opportunities to use the MotivAider tool to solve problems that might otherwise go unsolved.

If/whenever you have the time and interest, consider taking a leisurely stroll around our website. Hopefully you'll come away with a deeper sense of what the MotivAider does, how it does it, why it does it, and why it works.

And there's no place to start like HOME.

—Steve Levinson, Ph.D., Inventor of the MotivAider

If you ever have questions or would like some help with a MotivAider project, please, please email or call us at 1-800-356-1506 (+1-218-681-6033). We're always eager to help MotivAider users get great results.

MotivAider Users posts provide guidance on how to use the MotivAider to get the best results.