MotivAider User Post
How to Know When the MotivAider is No Longer Necessary

"When should I stop using the MotivAider for a given purpose and what's the best way to stop?"

The ultimate aim of MotivAider use is to help you create a durable self-sustaining habit. You've achieved maximum success when you no longer need the MotivAider in order to consistently do what the MotivAider had been prompting you to do.

The MotivAider's job is to help you consistently take a desired action. In most cases, the benefits you experience when you consistently take the desired action will naturally reinforce the new behavior, make it self-sustaining, and make continued use of the MotivAider unnecessary. If you experience immediately rewarding results from engaging in the new behavior—and you don't feel much resistance to engaging in it—the new behavior should "set" pretty quickly and firmly. On the other hand, if the results aren't immediately rewarding and/or you feel significant resistance to engaging in the new behavior, then it will be harder and take longer to create a self-sustaining habit.

Once you're consistently behaving in the new desired way with the MotivAider's help, it's time to see whether the change will hold on its own. You do this by gradually phasing out the MotivAider.

Here are some tips on how to do it:

By the way, if you successfully phase out the MotivAider for a particular purpose but later notice that you're not doing as well, don't hesitate to use the MotivAider again for that same purpose. Often, brief refresher use is all it takes to restore the gains you made earlier.

—Steve Levinson, Ph.D., Inventor of the MotivAider

If you ever have questions or would like some help with a MotivAider project, please email or call us at 1-800-356-1506 (+1-218-681-6033). We're always eager to help MotivAider Users get great results.

MotivAider Users posts provide guidance on how to use the MotivAider to get the best results.